

I knew their love…

How did your loved one express their love to you? Quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts or acts of service?

Did you feel loved by their expressions? Write down a memory if one comes to mind and take time to grieve your loss.

Is there someone in your life now that makes you feel loved? What would it look like to share your grief with them?

When I close my eyes…

Since your loss, have you had any dreams of your loved one? Has anyone else shared any dreams of your loved one with you?

When you close your eyes and you reflect on your loved one, what image is brought to mind? Take some time to grieve your loss.

Is there someone you can share these dreams or reflections with? What would it look like to reach out to someone to share your grief with?

Here I remember them…

Where is it you feel most connected with your loved one? What did y’all do there together?

How has the significance of that place changed since your loss? Take some time to grieve these changes.

What would it look like to revisit that place now? Is there someone in your life now that you would want to share that place with?


I miss serving them.

What is something you did to serve your loved one? Write about a memory where you did something for your loved one.

How is your purpose or service to others changed since your loss? Take some time to grieve these changes.

Has anyone served you while you have grieved? Consider reaching out to share your memories or grief with someone this week.

They thought about me.

What is something your loved one did that communicated to you that you were though about in your absence? Take some time to grieve this loss.

What is something you do now that reminds you of your loved one? Describe a memory associated with this activity.

Is there someone else that would associate this practice with your loved one or a loss of their own?What would it look like to reach out and share this memory or practice with them?

I Remember Them.

How would your loved one like to be remembered? How would you describe them at that point in their life? Take some time to grieve this loss.

What helps you remember your loved one in happier or healthier times? Describe a memory that comes to mind as you remember.

Is there someone who helps you remember your loved one or gives you permission to grieve? Consider sharing a memory or your grief with someone this week.

You Encouraged Me.

Can you recount a memory of your loved one encouraging you during difficult times? What did they do that made you feel supported?

What would your loved one say or do to encourage you now? Take some time to grieve this loss.

Is there someone that has walked with you as you have grieved? What would it look like to reach out to someone today to share your grief?

On a Trip.

What memory stands out to you on a trip with your loved one? What trips had you hoped to take with your loved one?Take some time to grieve your loss.

How have trips changed since your loss? What preferences do you have on trips that are different than before?

Is there someone that you feel safe traveling with that allows you to grieve? Who could you reach out to now to share your grief?

Remember Yourself.

What are some changes you have seen in yourself since your loss? Take some time to remember yourself and to grieve the changes as needed.

What helps you see glimpses of your old self? Are there any changes that you miss, or alternatively, you are now happy to see?

Is there someone that you can reach out to while grieving that allows you to feel like your genuine self- of now or old?

They Sacrificed.

Do you have a special memory of your loved one making a sacrifice for you? Write about that memory.

Has that sacrifice resulted in you valuing a place, activity, or thing more? What he that looked like in your grief? Take some time to grieve these changes.

Is there someone who sacrifices to make you a priority now? What wound it look like to reach out to them as you grieve?

They Knew Me…

What is something your loved one did that made you feel known? Take some time to grieve this loss.

Do you have a memory where your loved one remembered your preferences or celebrated your uniqueness in a meaningful way?

Is there someone else who knows you well or that you trust to know of your grief?

They Helped Me…

What responsibilities have changed since the loss of your loved one? Give yourself time to grieve these changes as needed.

Is there a memory that stands out prior to your loss, where you were assisted in responsibilities? Describe that memory.

Who has stepped in to help with responsibilities as you grieve? Is there anyone you can reach out to that could help with a responsibility this week?

They Dreamed With Me…

What dreams have ended after your loss? What dreams have you mourned in your grief?

Who has dreamed with you or supported your dreams? Write about a memory that comes to mind. Give yourself time to grieve these losses.

Do you have any new dreams? If so, who can you share these dreams with? If not, is there anyone you reach out to share your grief with?

They Taught Me…

What lessons did your loved one teach you? Or what have you learned from the relationship?

Is there a certain memory that stands out as you reflect on that lesson? Describe that as you feel able.

What (if any) part of that lesson or memory would you want to pass on? What (if any) part of that lesson or memory do you want to leave behind? Allow yourself to grieve this loss.


In Kindness…

When did your loved show you an extraordinary kindness? Describe that memory. Take some time to grieve your loss.

How have others offered you kindness in your grief process?

How have you offered kindness to others in your past? What capacity do you have to do that now? How has grief influenced that capacity?


The Process…

Can you remember a time when you didn’t know the grief caused by your loss?

How have you changed through the grief process?

How do you view the world differently since your loss?


In this place…

Is there a place that represents comfort for you? Or that holds special memories for you? Describe that place.

What memory stands out to you now from that place?

If you could go back to that place, what would you want to do? Who would you want to be with? What memory would you want to make?


They enjoyed…

What is one thing your loved one enjoyed doing?

What is a memory you have of your loved one doing this activity? Write about that memory.

Is that a good or hard memory? Give yourself time to grieve this memory.


We Wore Purple

What did you do in memory of your loved one after the loss?

Why did that have significance in relation to your loved one?

If you could talk to them now, what would you say?

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Room to Remember

While grieving, is there a special place in your home you feel drawn to?

What picture/piece in the room holds significance?

What memories does the place bring back for you? What do you remember about yourself?

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Vivid Memories

Is there a memory that seems more vivid in grief? What is it?

How does the memory make you feel?

What do you want to hold onto about that memory?

Is there anything you want to let go of about that memory?