Our Story

Out of our own grief, Kindthrough took shape.

Not experts in grieving, but recipients of great kindness and comfort during our own grief. We desire to affirm the grief following losses of all kinds and give a language for others to speak kindness into the lives of those grieving. Grief is a unique process for each person. Our thoughtfully curated gifts are meant to meet the person where they are at in that process, because we know that the path beyond the moment of loss can be lonely. Kindthrough offers kindness through the grief process by encouraging ongoing support and comfort in all stages and the space in between.


Hear more about our story and products by watching our launch video below.

Our founder shares how others’ kindness carried her after her divorce and inspired her to pass on that kindness to others grieving.


 Our Team

Read more about our team by clicking here or on the photos above.

Our Tenets



Following a loss, those grieving are left with their memories. As we walk alongside those grieving, giving the permission to remember and even being willing to remember with them, can affirm the great presence that now is missing in their life.



It can be the little things that helps carry someone as they grieve. A meal, a phone call, a timely gift in the mail to remind the one grieving that they are not alone. With acts of kindness, the griever is reminded they do not carry the burden of grief alone.



Grief can last a lifetime. Continuing to live and create new memories without a love one requires strength. We can encourage someone grieving by acknowledging the strength they are exerting as they make choices to rebuild a life in the face of loss. Each new day faced shows the resilience of one grieving.


All of our gifts are chosen with the goal of reflecting remembrance, kindness and resilience to the person grieving.

Why the gingko leaf?


“The bearer of hope”.

Gingko trees damaged by the bomb of Hiroshima still stand today. In the wake of a loss, our worlds often feel blown apart and devastated. In Japan, the gingko tree is called “the survivor” and “the bearer of hope”. Gingko trees remind us that despite the pain and suffering, we can survive. Kindthrough uses the gingko leaf to affirm the resilience of every griever as they rebuild a life in the face of grief.