Journaling Through Grief


Be Kind to Yourself.

Journaling is about the journey, not the product. Give yourself a space unedited and without judgment.

Write it...or don’t.

Express yourself. Maybe it’s with a word or words. Maybe it’s with a cut out picture or quote. Maybe it’s a sketch. Maybe you type it. Maybe you handwrite it. Give yourself the freedom to express yourself in how you feel most comfortable.

Prompts may help.

There is not one way to journal through grief. Freelancing can be therapeutic. So can prompted journaling. Below we have given prompts related to the themes of remembrance, kindness and resilience.


Your journal may evolve into a series of reflections. It might not. But as you journal, you will have a documentation of your grief process and of the way you have changed in the process. Reflecting over your grief process can be powerful.


Journal Prompts


Journal Prompts


Journal Prompts

 Follow us on Instagram @kindthroughgrief to have new journal prompts delivered via Insta Story on Mondays (Remembrance), Wednesdays (Kindness) and Fridays (Resilience). Prior journal prompts available above (click pictures).


Our Journal