
Ask for help.

How did you loved one help or contribute when you asked for assistance? Take some time to grieve this loss.

What task or thing is weighing on you as you grieve? Is there anything you need help with this weekend?

What would it look like to reach out to someone this weekend and ask for help? Who can you share your grief with?

Walk with expectation.

What things have reminded you of your loved one’s presence since they have gone? Take some time to grieve your loss.

Have you ever asked to be reminded of your loved one’s presence or looked expectantly for that reminder? Where could you position yourself to try that this weekend?

Is there anyone you can walk with in remembrance of your loved one? What would it look like to look with expectation for your loved one’s presence together?

Quiet Time.

What has time alone looked like in your grief? How has this changed since your loss? Take some time to grieve these changes.

How does it make you feel to set aside time for yourself? To set aside time to grieve?

How does making time for yourself influence your ability to engage with others? Consider reaching out to someone to share about your time alone.

Create a Space for you.

Have you changes anything in your home since your loss? How do these changes or the idea of these changes make you feel? Take some time to grieve your loss.

What is something you have wanted to do or that would make your space feel more personal?

What would it look like to reach out to a friend to help your personalize a space? If you’re not ready for that, is there someone who you can share your grief with this week?

Express your emotions.

What emotion has predominated this week? Do you feel comfortable expressing your emotions in grief? Take some time to grieve these changes.

With whom do you feel most comfortable being honest with about your emotions? How do these emotions come out when you express yourself?

What would it look like to share your grief with someone this week? To be honest about your feelings and where you are at?

Write a letter.

Do you have any special cards or letters from your loved one? Take some time to grieve this loss.

Do you have any words left unsaid between you and your loved one? Any words you would like to write them today?

Is there anyone that has helped you in your grief? Do you have words you would like to write them today?

Grief Journey.

What has been the hardest part living without your loved one? Take some time to grieve your loss.

How has your grief changed over time? How do you feel about these changes? Take some time to affirm your resilience for being right where you are.

Is there anyone you could invite on this grief journey with you? Someone you can reach out to in order to share your grief?

Let the Emotions Out.

What emotions and feelings predominate as you grieve? How has this changed over time since your loss?

Has it been easy or hard expressing these feelings or emotions? Is there a place you feel safe letting these emotions out?

Is there someone you feel safe sharing your feelings with? What would it look like to reach out to them to share your grief?

Take time for yourself.

What has your self care routine looked like in your grief process? How is this different than prior to your loss? Take some time to grieve these changes.

What is one thing you could do to make time for yourself? What barriers exist to making self care a priority?

How does it feel to consider your needs? Is there someone you could reach out to that would encourage you in self care at this time?

Facing the unknown.

After your loss or as you grieve, what unknowns are you facing? How does this make you feel?

Can you reflect on a time in your past where you faced an unknown? What was the outcome? Remind yourself of your resilience as you bring to mind your survival in spite of the unknown.

Is there anyone you can reach out to as you grieve and face the unknown? Share your stories of survival and resilience.

Baking in grief.

What kind of significance did baking have in your life prior to loss? Was there a dessert or recipe that you used to share with your loved one? Take some time to grieve this loss.

Have you baked while grieving? Is there something you could make in remembrance of your loved one or that is a treat for yourself?

Is there someone that might join you in baking? Is there someone you can reach out to in your grief?

Leave It Undone.

How has your daily routine changed since the loss of your loved one? Give yourself time to grieve these changes as needed.

Is there any responsibility or task that weighs on you today?

Can you leave something undone today that would free you up to do the things you need or want to do?

Yield to Self.

Are there any demand on your day that make your grief harder? What about these things influences your grief?

Which things do you want to be a part of? Is there anything you can say no to that would give you time or strength to face the things you want to?

What does it feel like to say no to something when grieving? Give yourself room to grieve the changes in your life.


Get Outside.

As you grieve what are some things you try and avoid encountering? How do you protect yourself from these things?

What has being outside meant to you in the past? What does it mean to you now?

Is there anyone you can reach out to that will help you take a step outside of the walls around you? Is there someone that you can invite into your grief?


Be Kind

What words do you speak to yourself while grieving?Would you say these same words to someone you care about?

Examine the words for untruth and unkindness. Re-write these words to reflect truth and kindness. Give grace to yourself.

Is there anyone you can reach out to that will help you remember truth and offer kindness to yourself? Consider reaching out this week.


Fuel Your Body

How has grief influenced your eating habits or routines? Take time to grieve these changes.

What is one choice you can make today to support your body’s needs?

Is there anything anyone can do to help support this choice? Bring you a meal? Eat with you? Purchase your groceries? Who could you reach out to for support?



How have your sleep habits changed since your loss? Take time to grieve those changes.

What is one thing you could do to remove barriers to good sleep? Write down your worries? Remove screen time? Decrease caffeine?

Is there anyone you have talked to about your sleep patterns in grief? Can you reach out to someone to talk about these changes?



What is a practice or exercise that you used to do before grieving, but now is hard?

What is a movement or new practice that you want to get back to or try?

What is one thing that you could do that would help you get started? Ask a friend? Get new workout clothes? Walk outside?


Get Ready

What does “getting ready” look like for you? How has it changed while grieving?

What barrier exists to you getting ready? ie. desire, fear, energy, sorrow?

Is there anything that would help you get ready? ie making plans, prayer, reaching out to a friend?

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Let it be Carried

Is there something you have avoided doing while you have been grieving?

What is one thing you can ask someone to help you with?

How does it make you feel to ask for help?