Our Team

Founder: Kara Kelly, pictured here in a building that was hit by a bomb, but still standing.

Founder: Kara Kelly, pictured here in a building that was hit by a bomb, but still standing.

“It felt like I had been hollowed out.”

Kara found herself grieving deeply in the wakes of divorce. It was the kindness of friends and family that helped her face the new days ahead of her. As a nurse practitioner specializing in pediatric oncology, she has had the privilege of being invited into the intimate process of grief and loss when a family faces a life threatening illness. Kara has also walked through a painful season in which 5 close family members and friend died within a 2 year period. Her grief continues. By God’s grace she has been the recipient of great kindness in her grief process. Because of the comfort she has received from others, she now desires to comfort others in kindness through their grief process.

Content Expert ( Infertility/Miscarriage/Infant Loss): Kate Brooks, pictured here with her husband prior to their struggle with infertility.

Content Expert ( Infertility/Miscarriage/Infant Loss): Kate Brooks, pictured here with her husband prior to their struggle with infertility.

“But God! Oh how He never disappoints even in our human disappointment.”

Kate shares this picture as it represents the hopes she had prior to knowing the pain of infertility. The road of infertility has brought a grief Kate never understood or knew existed. Loss after loss, yet still clinging to the hope of what could be. Coming to know intimately the words by Mona Corwin, “infertility is grieving with hope”. Through her grief and others coming alongside her in some of the darkest moments, Kate has found a heart for wanting walk to with others through their grief.

Content Expert (Loss of a loved one): Julie Hoerr, pictured here with her mom as they celebrated her life and made meaningful memories.

Content Expert (Loss of a loved one): Julie Hoerr, pictured here with her mom as they celebrated her life and made meaningful memories.

“No one prepares you for the loss of a loved one, especially a mother…”

As a pediatric nurse practitioner, Julie was no stranger to loss, but nothing prepared her for the battle she would watch her mother go through with cancer. Julie remembers her mom’s strength, will to fight, and love for Christ that she shared with everyone along the way. These remembrances help Julie as she struggles to make sense of her mom’s journey with cancer and the loss that she still deeply feels with her mom gone. Time to reflect and to “be still”, has allowed Julie to know the comfort of God in the darkness and the uncertainty of life. Sharing her mom’s legacy with others and her own story of pain has helped Julie as she continues to journey through grief.

Content Expert (Divorce): Malorie Harding, pictured here following her divorce.

Content Expert (Divorce): Malorie Harding, pictured here following her divorce.

“For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.”

-1Peter 2:19

Malorie experienced an extremely difficult divorce shortly after her father died. While grieving, Malorie experienced Christ’s love, support, and healing through trusted friend and family members who walked alongside her during the trials and the years of healing that followed.

Content Expert ( Support): Allyson Smith, pictured here with her family at a balloon release for their son Troy.

Content Expert ( Support): Allyson Smith, pictured here with her family at a balloon release for their son Troy.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language it goes to his heart.”

- Nelson Mendela

Allyson experienced the loss of her second child Troy, who was born still in 1990. This loss threw her into a deep grief. She eventually became involved in a support group with other grieving parents and this group became a lifeline for her. As an L&D nurse, her loss put her in a unique position to care for patients who also experienced the loss of a child.

Allyson continued her medical work when her family moved to East Africa in 2008. Her heart for bereaved parents continued to grow as she developed the training program for medical personnel to learn how to provide compassionate bereavement care. This training has also helped many hospitals launch support groups in their communities. Connecting bereaved parents and seeing them supporting each other in their losses is one of Allyson’s richest experiences.

Content Expert (Media and Pet Loss): Taylor Klusman, pictured here with Holland who is a great source of comfort.

Content Expert (Media and Pet Loss): Taylor Klusman, pictured here with Holland who is a great source of comfort.

“We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world-the company of those who have known suffering.”

- Helen Keller

Taylor joins the Kindtrhrough team as a great comfort to our company of suffering. Using her skills of writing and design, Taylor assists us in communicating our message of Kindness, ultimately helping us fulfill our mission to “Offer kindness through the grief process.”

Taylor has also experienced the grief that follows pet loss and has great empathy for those who have lost the comfort of their treasured companions.